Leigh Goff


Get Familiar With My Bewitching Main Character: Sophie Goodchild

MV5BMjAyNTIxNDMxMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTk5NzQ1Mw@@._V1_SY100_CR25,0,100,100_AL_In my upcoming novel, Disenchanted, Sophie Goodchild is my sixteen-year-old half-witch main character, living with her eccentric aunt, struggling with her erratic magic, and bullied by a group of full-blooded witches she humorously refers to as the glitterati because of an illegal glitter charm they use.

She is a natural beauty with long, untamable waves of sable-colored hair, eyes the color of dark blue sapphires, and heart-shaped pillowy lips. More importantly, she is beautiful on the inside, although she hides it well behind her impatience and impetuousness, which only makes the reader love her more.

It is those heart-strong characteristics that lead her into trouble and, since she is ruled by her emotions, she’s all in once she finds trouble.  She is fiercely loyal, determined, and fearless and there is nothing she wouldn’t do or sacrifice for the ones she loves, especially when she learns of the true love curse and the deadly threat that is Judge Mather, a wicked descendent of Increase Mather who had a hand in hanging Sophie’s ancestor at Gallows Hill, Connecticut in the 1600s.  Wait until he finds out his rebel-hearted son has fallen hard for the forbidden half-witch.

I have been asked before which actress would portray her if a movie were ever made and, after searching through some familiar on-screen faces, I think Danielle Campbell, pictured above from the Disney movie, Starstruck, would be a nice choice to play Sophie.

*photo found at http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2822341120/nm2836740?ref_=nmmi_mi_all_pbl_48

Author: Leigh Goff

Leigh Goff is an author represented by Lauren Bittrich of Lucinda Literary. She is inspired by caffeine, enchanted spells, and unforgettable, star-crossed fates. She has three published young adult novels, DISENCHANTED (2015), BEWITCHING HANNAH (2017), and KOUSH HOLLOW (2020). She is also a member of SCBWI and a graduate from the University of Maryland.

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