Leigh Goff


Witches in Fiction: Empowering Young Women


a girl wearing witch hat while looking afar

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

In today’s world, young women are navigating an ever-changing landscape filled with diverse challenges and a rescinding of their rights. U.S. women today have “fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers had” (Betsy Reed, Editor at the Guardian US). Now more than ever, it is essential for young women to read about powerful women in novels and embrace the impact it can have on their growth, confidence, and their own empowerment.

Novels featuring powerful witches provide an important representation of strong, resilient, and intelligent women. These stories show young readers that they too possess incredible potential and can overcome any obstacle. By reading about characters who learn to harness their magical abilities, young women are encouraged to embrace their own power to bring about positive change in their lives and communities.

Reading about powerful witches allows young women to explore narratives where women are at the forefront, making decisions, and shaping their own destinies. This exposure to strong female characters fosters self-confidence and nurtures a belief in their own capabilities. As readers witness these women navigate challenges and emerge triumphant, they learn that they too can overcome adversity and find the strength within themselves to rise above any situation.

In a world that is still navigating gender inequality and striving for gender empowerment, novels featuring powerful witches provide a unique platform for young women to explore their own strength, potential, and embrace their individuality. So, let us not only encourage young women to read about powerful women, but request publishers and editors to publish these books, so we can witness the transformative and positive power (some might call it magic) of literature in our lives.

Author: Leigh Goff

Leigh Goff is an author represented by Lauren Bittrich of Lucinda Literary. She is inspired by caffeine, enchanted spells, and unforgettable, star-crossed fates. She has three published young adult novels, DISENCHANTED (2015), BEWITCHING HANNAH (2017), and KOUSH HOLLOW (2020). She is also a member of SCBWI and a graduate from the University of Maryland.

4 thoughts on “Witches in Fiction: Empowering Young Women

  1. Love this artic

  2. Wonderful post, Leigh! You’re doing your part in sharing your magical voice with the world! Keep writing, our girls need you! Cheers!

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