Leigh Goff


My Big Book News is…


61P16ZY4r8S._SL500_The Koush Hollow Audiobook Tour is coming to whisk you away to the magic and mystery of the bayou!

The audiobook is narrated by the talented Erin Seidel, whose voice perfectly captures the moxie and mayhem of the story.

As Jenna is introduced to the Diamonds & Pearls, her mother’s mysterious club, she comes to the troubling realization that secrets are a way of life in Koush Hollow: How do the Diamonds & Pearls look so young, where does their money come from, and why is life along the bayou disappearing? As Jenna is drawn into their seductive world, her curiosity and concerns beg her to uncover the truth. However, in a town where mysticism abounds and secrets are deadly, the truth is not what Jenna could have ever imagined.

The tour is coming September 12th-18th from Parliament House Press & Audiobook Worm Promotions. There will be contests, giveaways, and all kinds of fun stuff to promote and celebrate the audiobook release.

Come back for more details as the tour gets closer!


Author: Leigh Goff

Leigh Goff is an author represented by Lauren Bittrich of Lucinda Literary. She is inspired by caffeine, enchanted spells, and unforgettable, star-crossed fates. She has three published young adult novels, DISENCHANTED (2015), BEWITCHING HANNAH (2017), and KOUSH HOLLOW (2020). She is also a member of SCBWI and a graduate from the University of Maryland.

2 thoughts on “My Big Book News is…

  1. Congrats, Leigh! Wonderful news, my witchy friend! Wishing you magical sales… Wink.

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